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From the Desk of Mindy Pechenuk Candidate for Assembly- District 18

"I declare war on the failed education policies of California. California young people are being destroyed deliberately by the policies coming out of our State Legislature. Imagine in California in some cases we have high school students reading at second grade level.
This is why I need to be in the State Assembly. It is time to remove Mia Bonta and her colleagues that have passed bill after bill for transgender rights, critical race theory, and soft on drugs. Our children are being destroyed in front of our eyes. 
The laws passed by Mia Bonta and the state legislature have made it impossible for teachers who want to stop this destruction to act. Check out SB274 and AB 5Zbur. 
Be brave and join my campaign. We need leadership that is not going to destroy your children, that is going to ensure parents rights and the rights of our teachers to actually educate and develop the creative minds given to us by God and upheld by our Constitution. 

It is not enough to push back against bad legislation; we need to stop electing the same people who are destroying our state and nation.


Paid for by Pechenuk for Oakland City Council 2024 | FPPC #1469153
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