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AMERICAN FIRST CHAMBER OF COMMERCE, INC is proud to endorse Mindy Pechenuk for Candidate for Oakland City Council at Large 2024. I have had the pleasure of knowing Mindy for several years now, and I can confidently say that she not only possesses the necessary qualities and skills to excel in this position, but has the deep understanding of history and politics to do a fantastic job.
Mindy has been active in the LaRouchePac, now Promethium Action, a political movement dedicated to defying oligarchy & unleashing the fire of human creativity.

As a American Citizen, I believe that it is essential to elect leaders who are committed to improving our communities and country, and Mindy is one such leader. She has demonstrated her commitment to public service by running for prior offices, and I believe she will continue to work tirelessly to make Oakland City a better place.

I strongly urge you to vote for Mindy Pechenuk in the for Oakland City Council at Large 2024. I am confident she will make a positive impact and work towards the betterment of America.

Please join me in supporting Mindy Pechenuk and electing her as Oakland City Council at Large 2024.

Linda Bell Harrell, Chair, America First Chamber of Commerce, Inc.


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