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Mindy has a lot to say! There ARE solutions. Her opponent and opponent's spouse have represented this district for over ten years. Between the two of them, they have logged nearly 20 years as politicians. It's time for a change.

A picture is worth a thousand words!


Monday, October 21, 2024 12:13 PM

Bring Oakland out of the Dark Ages and into the Space Age!

Let us bring Oakland out of the Dark Age and into the Space Age! Mindy Pechenuk, candidate for Oakland City Council At Large is calling for a $100 million Investment Bank for Oakland!


Sunday, September 29, 2024 3:31 PM

Democratic Party Should Apologize for Slavery

Press Release: September 29, 2024

 Mindy Pechenuk, candidate for Oakland City Council At Large

Democratic Party Should Apologize for Slavery

by Andrea Ingraham, author of “The Lincoln Revolution in California”

Recently Governor Newspeak signed a bill authorizing the state of California to apologize for slavery. It is time for a few truths to be illuminated.

  1. Slavery was brought to America by the European empires - Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, British. Any attempts in the North American colonies to restrict or abolish slavery were severely crushed by the British King. 

  2. Far from America inventing slavery, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States were the first governing documents in history to declare all men created equal and endowed with inalienable rights. Slavery and other forms of servitude were the norm throughout all prior history.

  3. After the Constitution was implemented a protracted battle was waged by many heroic and courageous individuals and groups to eliminate slavery state by state and in the country as a whole. This culminated in the victory of the Civil War and the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments.

In the case of California, and generally, if anyone is to apologize for slavery it is the Democratic Party. Slavery was never legal in California, but that did not stop the Southern dominated leadership of the Democratic Party from doing everything in their power to promote the pro- slavery cause. California Senator Gwin, who still owned a plantation in Mississippi, sided with the Southern Democrats in the Senate on all legislation. More than that, he ran the state party top down and through federal patronage appointed his men to all top positions in the state. In the state legislature, his flunkies pushed bills like a negro exclusion bill, a foreign miners tax, a tougher fugitive slave law. All of these were fought by fearless Democrat from New York, David Broderick, who was eventually elected to the US Senate. The southern dominated party power pulled out all stops to slander, attack and finally murder Broderick. 

During the 1850s a powerful faction of Democrats passed a bill to split the state in two, in order to open the southern territory to slavery. In the face of disunion, prominent Democrats campaigned for California to secede from the union along with the slave states.

Meanwhile, patriotic Americans fought relentlessly to keep California in the Union and support the Federal Government throughout the war. Republican and Lincoln ally Edward Baker fought on many fronts, including defending and winning a celebrated fugitive case in the courts and verbally annihilating Southern firebrands in the Senate. He later gave his life in the Civil War. Minister Thomas Starr King, an impassioned advocate for civil rights, traveled the state during the war whipping up pro-union and pro-war sentiment and turning the tide for Republican victories, also losing his life in the process.

Meanwhile, throughout the war, the Democratic Party press and politicians acted as a fifth column trying to sabotage the war effort every way,  attacking Lincoln, the war,  emancipation and equality.

After the War, the resurgent Democratic Party in the state legislature blocked ratification of the 14th and 15th Amendments and Reconstruction measures, and fought vehemently for the Chinese Exclusion Act and every racist legislation they could write.

So, while this country was founded on a fight for freedom and equality, and many, many people fought and died to achieve it, and Americans should be proud of that, if Democrats want to blame someone for the propagation and perpetuation of slavery and its aftermath, they need only look in the mirror.


Sunday, September 29, 2024 3:31 PM

Democratic Party Should Apologize for Slavery

Press Release: September 29, 2024

 Mindy Pechenuk, candidate for Oakland City Council At Large

Democratic Party Should Apologize for Slavery

by Andrea Ingraham, author of “The Lincoln Revolution in California”

Recently Governor Newspeak signed a bill authorizing the state of California to apologize for slavery. It is time for a few truths to be illuminated.

  1. Slavery was brought to America by the European empires - Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, British. Any attempts in the North American colonies to restrict or abolish slavery were severely crushed by the British King. 

  2. Far from America inventing slavery, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States were the first governing documents in history to declare all men created equal and endowed with inalienable rights. Slavery and other forms of servitude were the norm throughout all prior history.

  3. After the Constitution was implemented a protracted battle was waged by many heroic and courageous individuals and groups to eliminate slavery state by state and in the country as a whole. This culminated in the victory of the Civil War and the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments.

In the case of California, and generally, if anyone is to apologize for slavery it is the Democratic Party. Slavery was never legal in California, but that did not stop the Southern dominated leadership of the Democratic Party from doing everything in their power to promote the pro- slavery cause. California Senator Gwin, who still owned a plantation in Mississippi, sided with the Southern Democrats in the Senate on all legislation. More than that, he ran the state party top down and through federal patronage appointed his men to all top positions in the state. In the state legislature, his flunkies pushed bills like a negro exclusion bill, a foreign miners tax, a tougher fugitive slave law. All of these were fought by fearless Democrat from New York, David Broderick, who was eventually elected to the US Senate. The southern dominated party power pulled out all stops to slander, attack and finally murder Broderick. 

During the 1850s a powerful faction of Democrats passed a bill to split the state in two, in order to open the southern territory to slavery. In the face of disunion, prominent Democrats campaigned for California to secede from the union along with the slave states.

Meanwhile, patriotic Americans fought relentlessly to keep California in the Union and support the Federal Government throughout the war. Republican and Lincoln ally Edward Baker fought on many fronts, including defending and winning a celebrated fugitive case in the courts and verbally annihilating Southern firebrands in the Senate. He later gave his life in the Civil War. Minister Thomas Starr King, an impassioned advocate for civil rights, traveled the state during the war whipping up pro-union and pro-war sentiment and turning the tide for Republican victories, also losing his life in the process.

Meanwhile, throughout the war, the Democratic Party press and politicians acted as a fifth column trying to sabotage the war effort every way,  attacking Lincoln, the war,  emancipation and equality.

After the War, the resurgent Democratic Party in the state legislature blocked ratification of the 14th and 15th Amendments and Reconstruction measures, and fought vehemently for the Chinese Exclusion Act and every racist legislation they could write.

So, while this country was founded on a fight for freedom and equality, and many, many people fought and died to achieve it, and Americans should be proud of that, if Democrats want to blame someone for the propagation and perpetuation of slavery and its aftermath, they need only look in the mirror.


Tuesday, September 3, 2024 12:57 PM

California's Political Leaders Are Responsible For Oakland's Crime and Murders!

For Immediate Release 
Press Release: From Mindy Pechenuk, Candidate for Oakland City Council-At-Large 2024 Contact: For more information Gerald at 323-210-9483 or 

Friday, August 30, 2024

California's Political Leaders Are Responsible For Oakland's Crime and Murders!
Join my campaign to stand up to the current members of our State Legislature, Oakland City Council, Oakland Mayor, Alameda County District Attorney, and Kamala Harris. 
Their policies are killing and destroying the lives of all Oaklanders, and it didn't start yesterday.
In brief, more to come:
Kamala Harris, as District Attorney of San Francisco and US Senator in 2019, supported the decriminalization of sex work nationwide and supported the legalization of marijuana.   How has this helped Oakland? Look at our city today!
Presently, our police officers cannot save our young children from abuse and prostitution due to the heinous laws passed by the California Legislature. Senate Bill 1322, which took effect in 2017, has prevented law enforcement from charging minors under 18 with prostitution, thus removing a means to bring the young girls who have been lured into a life of crime and prostitution out of it, and  to safety and out of harm's way.
In January 2023 Senate Bill 357 (Safer Streets For All) became law, repealing penal code 653.22, which prohibited loitering with intent to engage in prostitution.
As a result, our streets, such as International Blvd., are filled with young, barely clothed girls, soliciting in broad daylight . Clearly these girls are victims of human trafficking and the laws enacted by our so-called leaders.
I have ridden along with our police officers and have had many discussions. It is clear we need to untie the hands of our police officers, not only with regard to the question of sex and human trafficking, but also regarding any of the City rules and regulations that make it impossible for them to do their job. These regulations and ordinances allow the criminals to rob, murder and destroy.

A Call for Unity!

This is why as your Oakland City Councilmember-At-Large, I will fight to reverse these laws and regulations. Our youth are our most precious future.
We need to ensure good education and a community where youth will have a mission for the good. We need to bring back industry and manufacturing to our Oakland. This will provide good skilled jobs and training, as well as grow our city with new development. 
This is why I stand with Donald J. Trump for President 2024. We need a White House we can work with!
Kamala has not changed; she is lying as usual. Who is Kamala really working for? What good have Kamala and her friends done for you and your family? This is not about Democrats, Republicans, Independents  or any party. It is what we the people need, and it is about our great American Constitution!
We need new bold leadership for Oakland. I am that voice, I am fighting for you and the future of our children!   I am asking you to get active with my campaign and to help spread the word 
Please contact me at
FPPC # 1469153


Tuesday, September 3, 2024 12:53 PM

Stop Our Tax Dollars From Supporting Illegals!

Press Release, from Mindy Pechenuk, candidate for Oakland City Council At Large 2024

August 30, 2024

Stop Our Tax Dollars From Supporting Illegals!
My fellow Oaklanders cannot afford groceries, gas, homes and a good education for their children. While our disabled citizens, our Veterans and others suffer, the California Assembly passes AB 1840 to allow illegals to get homes at your expense!

The Assembly voted to give illegal immigrants free down payment assistance (up to $150,000) to buy a new home. Keep in mind the illegals are provided with free health care and free college tutition. This needs to be stopped. 

This is why I am running for Oakland City Council At Large to bring down inflation, bring industry, manufacturing and support our local businesses. The way you run an economy is grow your new production and ensure our existing business can expand. I want to bring more commerce to our Oakland Port. 

This is why I am supporting Donald J. Trump for President in 2024. We need a President in the White House who will work with us to make Oakland Safe and Productive Again. 

For more information contact:

FPPC# 1469153 
Mindy Pechenuk




Monday, August 26, 2024 10:40 AM

A Call For Unity: In A Time Of Grave Danger! Do You Have the Courage of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr ?

Press Release Mindy Ruth Pechenuk, candidate for Oakland City Council At Large

August 26, 2024
 A Call For Unity: In A Time Of Grave Danger!
 Do You Have the Courage of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr ?
This is a time to let many issues and concerns not hold us back from the biggest questions facing us today.
Our great Oakland, our great state, our great nation and all of humanity is facing the gravest dangers of our times. Whether it be crime, homelessness, inflation, destruction of our children and World War III/possible nuclear war. 

My candidacy for Oakland City Council At Large is calling for all my fellow Oaklanders to take two important actions.

1) To support my campaign for Oakland City Council At Large in 2024 to bring in a vibrant new voice of leadership that is not afraid to make bold changes for our city. Check out my website

2) To join me and the other courageous leaders to support Donald J. Trump for President and JD Vance for Vice President in 2024.

Through the weeks many have put difference's aside for the bigger fight to stop war, inflation, drugs, human trafficking and the cure for the horrible chronic diseases that are killing our children.

In recent days, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., has taken such a courageous step and has endorsed Donald J. Trump for president. Robert F. Kennedy,Jr. has made it clear, Kamala Harris and her backers do not represent the Democratic Party of his father, Robert F. Kennedy or his uncle John F. Kennedy. I agree with Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. 

I am raising the question, if you support the recall of George Soros DA Pamela Price and Mayor Sheng Thao, how could you support the Presidency of Kamala Harris, the original George Soros DA and her record on crime?
I support the recall of both Price and Thao.
Is Kamala a President that the leaders of Oakland can reach out to fight our horrendous crime, drug, homeless problem. If you think Price and Thao are bad, they are! Kamala is worse, REMEMBER she set the stage for what is destroying Oakland today. 
With Donald J. Trump in the Presidency and myself as your City Councilmember At Large, we will be able to work together to bring in the needed resources to shut down the drug cartels and human trafficking, as well as the necessary help to END the Inflation that is making it impossible for most Oaklanders to buy groceries, gas and everything else. 

I am reaching out to you to join me in taking the actions above. This is not about Democrat, Republican, NPP or any other party. This is a time to ensure a leadership that will actually begin to solve our problems, which are ALL SOLVABLE! 
For more information you can contact me at
FPPC #1469153

Tuesday, August 20, 2024 10:04 AM

Can You Afford the Price of Food Today?

.Press Release From Mindy Pechenuk, Candidate for Oakland City Council at Large, 2024 -Tuesday,  August 20, 2024

For more information contact: Gerald Pechenuk at
Can You Afford the Price of Food Today? 

Check out the Price Increases since Kamala Harris Took Office!

Children's Food UP 24.1% ( Includes Elementary School Lunches UP 65.5%)
Baking Goods UP 27.2 %
Cereal & Bakery Products UP 26%
Meat, Poultry, Fish UP 23%

This is why I am running for Oakland City Council At Large 2024!
This is why I support Donald J. Trump for President. We simply cannot afford Kamala Harris. Her record on inflation speaks volumes. 

To bring down inflation I will make Oakland productive again by bringing industry, manufacturing, small and medium business a priority. Increase our commercial port activities. This goes along with cleaning out the budget of non-essential makeshift projects. I will work to get the credit to the business and industries to build their enterprises.  We need to keep our businesses and industries from leaving Oakland. 

There is no separation in cleaning up crime, homelessness and making Oakland productive again, the two go hand in hand.
  • Increase our police and clean up Oakland's ordinances which are keeping our officers from doing their job.   
  • Work with the Federal Government to shut down the offshore drug cartels and human trafficking
  • Bring in the National Guard
  • Recall Soros DA Pamela Price ( Remember Kamala Harris is backed by George and Alex Soros for President)
  • Recall Mayor Sheng Thao
Join my campaign to put Oakland first. It is time to vote for a candidate that is not part of the in crowd, but puts families and all Oaklanders as the priority!

FPPC #146915

Tuesday, August 20, 2024 9:59 AM

Can You Afford the Price of Food Today?

Press Release From Mindy Pechenuk, Candidate for Oakland City Council at Large, 2024 -Tuesday,  August 20, 2024
For more information contact: Gerald Pechenuk at
Can You Afford the Price of Food today? 

Check out the Price Increases since Kamala Harris Took Office!

Children's Food UP 24.1% ( Includes Elementary School Lunches UP 65.5%)
Baking Goods UP 27.2 %
Cereal & Bakery Products UP 26%
Meat, Poultry, Fish UP 23%

This is why I am running for Oakland City Council At Large 2024!
This is why I support Donald J. Trump for President. We simply cannot afford Kamala Harris. Her record on inflation speaks volumes. 

To bring down inflation I will make Oakland productive again by bringing industry, manufacturing, small and medium business a priority. Increase our commercial port activities. This goes along with cleaning out the budget of non-essential makeshift projects. I will work to get the credit to the business and industries to build their enterprises.  We need to keep our businesses and industries from leaving Oakland. 

There is no separation in cleaning up crime, homelessness and making Oakland productive again, the two go hand in hand.
  • Increase our police and clean up Oakland's ordinances which are keeping our officers from doing their job.   
  • Work with the Federal Government to shut down the offshore drug cartels and human trafficking
  • Bring in the National Guard
  • Recall Soros DA Pamela Price ( Remember Kamala Harris is backed by George and Alex Soros for President)
  • Recall Mayor Sheng Thao
Join my campaign to put Oakland first. It is time to vote for a candidate that is not part of the in crowd, but puts families and all Oaklanders as the priority!

FPPC #1469153

Monday, August 19, 2024 3:00 PM

Mindy Addressing the CA STATE WIDE TRUMP TRAIN

Monday, August 19, 2024 3:00 PM

Mindy Addressing the CA STATE WIDE TRUMP TRAIN

Thursday, July 18, 2024 8:22 AM

Join my campaign to Make Oakland Safe and Productive Again!

Unite with my campaign-let us work together to make our Oakland Safe and Productive Again!

I am running for Oakland City Council at Large to make Oakland Safe and Productive Again. I stand with the recall of both Mayor Sheng Thao and Soros District Attorney Pamela Price.  I stand with President Donald Trump in 2024 to make American great again.

Watch this important video by Madeline Brame, the mother of a young veteran who was killed in New York City and his murders let go by Soros New York DA Alvin Bragg. 

Wednesday, July 3, 2024 3:19 PM

I Will Put All On The Line To Save Oakland From Hell

Press Release:

Mindy Pechenuk for Oakland City Council at Large

         July 1, 2024

  "I  Will Put All on the Line to Save Oakland From Hell."

  "Just a short glance at recent headlines and media reports shows what all residents and visitors have experienced with their own eyes and ears over the last few years in Oakland.  There is no escaping  the fact that the City is Oakland  is ' A  Living Hell for All Who Live Here'" : 

-Oakland Corruption Scandal: Democrat Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao and Government Officials Allegedly Funded by Sex Trafficking Drug Ring (Gateway Pundit) 

-Andy Duong, a key member of the Duong family and the self-proclaimed proprietor of the now-defunct Music Cafe, is accused of using the cafe as a front for a sex trafficking and drug operation. This establishment, which also functioned as a karaoke lounge, was linked by state authorities to drug dealing, pimping, and human trafficking before its closure in early 2019, the Mercury News reported. (Mercury News) 

My Record Stands

I said it before when I ran in the March 5, 2024 Primary for State Assembly #18 against Mia Bonta. This destruction of Oakland and California is deliberate and intentional and enough is enough. Now the truth is starting to come out. Join my campaign for strong leadership. Join with Donald J. Trump for President, so we can have a Federal Government we can work with. 

Time to shut down the offshore markets and these drug cartels, human traffickers.

Time to clean out the cartels from California.

Time to clean out  Oakland City Council and other elected officials who are going along with the " Pay to Play" schemes and destroying our Oakland.

Check out my video from my State Assembly #18 Campaign!

Paid for by Pechenuk for City Council 2024. FPPC # 1469153

Wednesday, July 3, 2024 3:19 PM

I Will Put All On The Line To Save Oakland From Hell

Press Release: Mindy Pechenuk for Oakland City Council at Large-

         July 1, 2024

     "I  Will Put All on the Line to Save Oakland From Hell."


"Just a short glance at recent headlines and media reports shows what all residents and visitors have experienced with their own eyes and ears over the last few years in Oakland.  There is no escaping  the fact that the City is Oakland  is ' A  Living Hell for All Who Live Here'" : 

-Oakland Corruption Scandal: Democrat Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao and Government Officials Allegedly Funded by Sex Trafficking Drug Ring (Gateway Pundit) 

-Andy Duong, a key member of the Duong family and the self-proclaimed proprietor of the now-defunct Music Cafe, is accused of using the cafe as a front for a sex trafficking and drug operation. This establishment, which also functioned as a karaoke lounge, was linked by state authorities to drug dealing, pimping, and human trafficking before its closure in early 2019, the Mercury News reported. (Mercury News) 

My Record Stands

I said it before when I ran in the March 5, 2024 Primary for State Assembly #18 against Mia Bonta. This destruction of Oakland and California is deliberate and intentional and enough is enough. Now the truth is starting to come out. Join my campaign for strong leadership. Join with Donald J. Trump for President, so we can have a Federal Government we can work with. 

Time to shut down the offshore markets and these drug cartels, human traffickers.

Time to clean out the cartels from California.

Time to clean out  Oakland City Council and other elected officials who are going along with the " Pay to Play" schemes and destroying our Oakland.

Check out my video from my State Assembly #18 Campaign!

Paid for by Pechenuk for City Council 2024. FPPC # 1469153

Monday, June 24, 2024 3:19 PM

Time To Clean UP Oakland City Hall

Press Release:From the Desk of Mindy Pechenuk-Candidate for Oakland City Council at Large 2024

June 24, 2024

Time to Clean Up Oakland City Hall!

I am a supporter of the Recall of Mayor Sheng Thao and District Attorney Pamela Price. I am calling on Mayor Sheng Thao to step down now. People are dying and lives are being destroyed, there is not another second to waste.

City Hall needs to be cleaned up in many ways. Not only do we have to stop the corruption of our elected officials which is now being aired publicly, with the FBI, IRS, Postal Service investigation going on, but also we need to deal with the destruction of our Oakland due to the incompetent convictions of our city authorities.

For too long Oakland and Alameda County have suffered violent crimes, drug abuse, and homelessness, which has been intentionally created. As the city officials sit around and drool over the budget, with only one thing in mind. CUT, CUT, CUT! That is exactly the problem.

The only way Oakland will be safe and productive again is to grow our businesses and industries. Oakland was once a thriving community and the home to many small and medium businesses as well as many industries. We have a great Port of Oakland and a great international airport. Yet the city is on the verge of bankruptcy.

Click link here to view Mindy's Website-

VOTE Donald J. Trump in November 2024

VOTE Mindy in November 2024

Paid for by Pechenuk for Oakland City Council 2024 FPPC #1469153.

Contact- Gerald at 323-210-9483

Monday, June 24, 2024 3:13 PM

Time to Clean Up Oakland CIty Hall!

Press Release:From the Desk of Mindy Pechenuk-Candidate for Oakland City Council at Large 2024

June 24, 2024

Time to Clean Up Oakland City Hall!

I am a supporter of the Recall of Mayor Sheng Thao and District Attorney Pamela Price. I am calling on Mayor Sheng Thao to step down now. People are dying and lives are being destroyed, there is not another second to waste.

City Hall needs to be cleaned up in many ways. Not only do we have to stop the corruption of our elected officials which is now being aired publicly, with the FBI, IRS, Postal Service investigation going on, but also we need to deal with the destruction of our Oakland due to the incompetent convictions of our city authorities.

For too long Oakland and Alameda County have suffered violent crimes, drug abuse, and homelessness, which has been intentionally created. As the city officials sit around and drool over the budget, with only one thing in mind. CUT, CUT, CUT! That is exactly the problem.

The only way Oakland will be safe and productive again is to grow our businesses and industries. Oakland was once a thriving community and the home to many small and medium businesses as well as many industries. We have a great Port of Oakland and a great international airport. Yet the city is on the verge of bankruptcy.

Click link here to view Mindy's Website-

VOTE Donald J. Trump in November 2024

VOTE Mindy in November 2024

Paid for by Pechenuk for Oakland City Council 2024 FPPC #1469153.

Contact- Gerald at 323-210-9483

Friday, June 21, 2024 7:18 AM

Press Release-Mayor Sheng Thao Needs To Step Down!

Press Release -Thursday, June 20, 2024

Mindy Pechenuk, Oakland City Council at Large Candidate 2024

For More information and for Interviews of Mindy, Contact: Gerald Pechenuk at 

 Mindy Pechenuk, Oakland City Council at Large Candidate 2024   

"I am the first Candidate to Second the Motion of the Recall Thao Campaign".

"Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao Must Resign Immediately Due to FBI Raid and Overwhelming Support for Recall."  

"Sheng Thao in the interests of the citizens of Oakland, you cannot fulfill your responsibilities to the citizens and respond to this investigation simultaneously.

  Furthermore, I have personally sent an email directly to the Mayor asking her to "come clean" as to what is involved in this investigation. 

 I will keep all informed of her response.  

 Mindy Pechenuk, candidate for Oakland City Council at Large 2024

Thursday, February 1, 2024 7:15 AM

Stop the Drums of War-Create a Future of Growth!

For Immediate Release:
From the Desk of Mindy Pechenuk, Republican Candidate for California State Assembly 18 
January 30, 2024  

 Contact: Gerald Pechenuk at for more  

Stop The Drums of War! Create a Future of Growth!

If Donald J. Trump were President we would not be in danger of WWIII and a nuclear war. 
The drone attack on a U.S. Military Installation in Jordan, killing 3 American Servicemembers, and wounding many more, marks a horrible day for America. My most profound sympathies go to the Families of the Brave Servicemembers we have lost. I ask all Americans to join me in praying for those who have been wounded. This brazen attack on the United States is yet another horrific and tragic consequence of Joe Biden’s weakness and surrender….".
I stand with Donald J. Trump and so should you. Support Donald J. Trump now if you want to stop WWIII from ever starting. 
The latest push to war by the Biden Administration, and British Imperial networks and their Uni-party co-thinkers has led to the tragic deaths of three United States National Guard members. They are: Sgt. William Jerome Rivers, 46 of Carrollton, Georgia; Spc. Kennedy Ladon Sanders, 24, of Waycross, Georgia and Spc. Breonna Alexsondria Moffett, 23, of Savannah, Georgia. All three were killed on Jan. 28, 2024 in Jordan, by a drone attack on a US military installation. 
If Donald J. Trump were President these three lives would not have been lost. We would not be facing World War III.

Every life is precious and the future of humanity is at stake. That is why I am calling on you to stand with Trump as I am doing.  We can and must turn this around now. We cannot allow this situation to spiral out of control. 

Call Congress now. The Biden Administration has to be stopped now before it is too late. 


Join the movement to elect Donald J. Trump in 2024. I stand with Donald J. Trump and his Agenda 47.

Join my campaign for California State Assembly 18, it is time for leadership in Sacramento that will fight the Uni-Party.
I am a bold and visionary leader.

My Website is

Sunday, January 7, 2024 12:53 PM

San Francisco GOP Resolution Passed presented by Mindy Pechenuk

Whereas, Siaka Massaquoi a conservative actor, comedian and the first Vice-Chairman of the Republican party of Los Angeles Caiifornia was abruptly arrested Thursday, Nov. 30, 2023 upon his return to the Los Angeles and 
Whereas, the supposed crime Siaka has been charged with are misdemeanors for stepping a few feet into the Capitol for two minutes on January 6, 2021 to observe what was going on and
Whereas, we are coming up to the anniversary of January 6th. We stand with Siaka and the other J6 prisoners
Therefore, be it resolved by the San Francisco Republican Party Central Committee meeting on January 3, 2024 that we denounce this blatant attempt at political persecution of this outstanding God fearing man and devout Christian man 
And further be it resolved, that we call upon the Republican Party of California as well as County and local branches all over the State of California to take all remedial actions to prevent this clear acts of overt political harassment from being carried out.

Monday, January 1, 2024 12:49 PM

From the Desk of Mindy Pechenuk Candidate for Assembly- District 18

"I declare war on the failed education policies of California. California young people are being destroyed deliberately by the policies coming out of our State Legislature. Imagine in California in some cases we have high school students reading at second grade level.

This is why I need to be in the State Assembly. It is time to remove Mia Bonta and her colleagues that have passed bill after bill for transgender rights, critical race theory, and soft on drugs. Our children are being destroyed in front of our eyes. 
The laws passed by Mia Bonta and the state legislature have made it impossible for teachers who want to stop this destruction to act. Check out SB274 and AB 5Zbur. 
Be brave and join my campaign. We need leadership that is not going to destroy your children, that is going to ensure parents rights and the rights of our teachers to actually educate and develop the creative minds given to us by God and upheld by our Constitution. 

It is not enough to push back against bad legislation; we need to stop electing the same people who are destroying our state and nation.


Friday, December 1, 2023 9:12 PM

Will California Attorney General Bonta and Secretary of State Weber Attempt to Unilaterally Strike Trump From the Primary Ballot?

Recent articles published by NBC and other legacy media outlets reveal a growing recognition that despite all the propaganda and lies,  Donald Trump is on track to win the Republican Presidential nomination and go on to defeat the Joe Biden Democrat ticket. He would return to the White House as the 47th President.

Democrats Bonta and Weber have until December 28 to decide what to do. December 28 is the deadline for Democrat Secretary of State Shirley Weber to certify which candidates are eligible for the March 5, 2024 primary ballot.  Call Rob Bonta's and Shirley Webber's Offices and sign onto this Press Release.

Monday, October 30, 2023 8:13 AM

Be Brave... Take action... Speak out against the continued weaponization of the Biden Department of Justice! Our freedom depends on it!

The announcement by the Obama-Appointed Judge Chutkan to Reinstate the Gag Order on President Trump cannot be met with silence. Call Speaker Mike Johnson's office: 202-225-4000. Ask him to defund the weaponized DOJ, FBI, and CIA.

Wednesday, October 4, 2023 8:36 PM

The MAGA Lion Rears its Mighty Head in California

California, the “bluest of the blue states” where Joe Biden officially received 11 million votes to Trump’s 6 million in 2020, just experienced a political earthquake that was shocking and indicative of the revolutionary potential that now exists nationwide in these United States.  Cynics and professional pessimists be forewarned. The battle to retake the nation is advancing in ways previously thought impossible. ...

State Assembly candidate and organizer Mindy Pechenuk was wildly cheered. As she spoke, she received cheer after cheer at the prospect of electing Donald Trump and defeating the weaponized DOJ and FBI; sending a message to the world by taking California for Trump; and defeating the corrupt Bonta dynasty in California. She challenged people to go out and organize everyone, pointing out that she goes around in liberal Oakland wearing a Trump hat, and that we are creating a future for the nation and mankind.

Monday, October 2, 2023 8:42 PM

California Republicans don't care if Trump won't debate 2024 rivals

"There's a complete difference between Dianne Feinstein and Donald Trump. Donald Trump, first of all, is in good health. Donald Trump is sharp in the mind," Pechenuk said. "I'm going to be 72. I don't feel like I'm ready for the cow pasture. Sometimes as you get older, you learn with wisdom." -Mindy Pechenuk

Monday, October 2, 2023 7:43 PM

Solutions, Solutions, Solutions

We have a great future together, we can build a new Oakland, Alameda and Emeryville that will grow again with industry and small and medium businesses. We can solve the problems associated with rampant crime and homelessness. We can restore safety to every street. To do this we must change the leadership of our Assembly District and our state and nation.

What Needs To Be Done and What Needs To Be Undone To Make Our Economy Grow!

Tuesday, September 19, 2023 9:09 AM

California Assemblymember Evan Low's Outrageous Move: Demands Removal of Donald J. Trump from Primary Ballot

California Assemblymember Evan Low, along with eight other Democrats, has stirred controversy by requesting that California Attorney General Rob Bonta remove Donald J. Trump from the state's March 5, 2024 primary ballot. Critics view this move as yet another attempt to politicize and weaponize institutional processes, raising concerns about a perceived "two-tiered injustice" system. The request has been met with strong opposition, with calls for action directed towards Rob Bonta's office.

Monday, September 18, 2023 10:17 PM

Outrageous! California Assemblymember Evan Low and eight other Democrats asked California Attorney General Rob Bonta to remove Donald J. Trump from th

Outrageous! California Assemblymember Evan Low and eight other Democrats asked California Attorney General Rob Bonta to remove Donald J. Trump from the California, March 5, 2024 primary ballot. Rob Bonta is married to my opponent!

Monday, September 11, 2023 9:40 AM

Mindy Pechenuk Responds (Letter to the editor)

Editor: (Alameda Sun)
The last two weeks there have been letters commenting on my campaign for State Assembly 18 and my opposition to Senate Bill (SB) 57, which would’ve enabled legal access to fentanyl, heroin, and other drugs in regulated “safe injection sites.” I would like to clarify Hunter Cobb’s response (“Vote for Mindy; End the drug culture,” Sept. 1;, that I do not think this matter is resolved. I fully expect Governor Gavin Newsom, Assemblywoman Mia Bonta and State Senator Scott Wiener, to bring it up again in a modified form. I intend to continue the fight not only to stop SB57, but to get rid of the drug culture. We need to help our fellow citizens get off the drugs and become productive contributors to our future.

Friday, September 1, 2023 2:47 PM

Gavin Newsom's Push for Constitutional Convention Sparks Concerns Over U.S. Constitution's Future

In an alarming development, California Governor Gavin Newsom's push for a Constitutional Convention, ostensibly for implementing new gun control measures, has raised concerns about the integrity of the U.S. Constitution. Critics argue that Newsom's actions, including the recent passing of Senate Joint Resolution 7, may set a dangerous precedent. If the resolution is approved, it could open the door for other states to follow suit, potentially leading to a gradual erosion of the nation's foundational principles. The move has sparked a nationwide debate over the future of the U.S. Constitution.

Saturday, August 19, 2023 2:29 PM

Mindy Pechenuk, Candidate for CA State Assembly Comments on Nancy Pelosi's Appointment of Yogananda Pittman as UCBerkeley's Chief of Police

Mindy Pechenuk, the Republican Candidate for California State Assembly, District 18, in 2022 and 2024, challenges all members of the UC Berkeley Community—faculty, students, and administrative employees. Yogananda Pittman, who served as Intelligence Director for Steven Sund during the events of January 6, 2021, has faced questions and criticism regarding her role in the Capitol Police's preparations leading up to that day. Pechenuk expects Pittman, who is now UC Berkeley's Chief of Police, to address these concerns, especially in light of the interview discussing her performance on Tucker on Twitter. The public, including the Berkeley Community, Bay Area residents, and all of California's citizens, deserves answers from Pittman about her actions during that critical time. 

Sunday, July 30, 2023 7:40 PM

Not One Penny More to the Degenerate Culture of Depopulation!

There is "one" and "only one" reason for the evil degenerate culture and education system we have today in California. It has been consciously created and deployed to destroy our nation, state, and local communities.

The creators and pushers of this degenerate culture are bankers with three piece suits, the Federal Reserve, the DOJ, FBI, CIA, all who work with leaders in the British financial and intelligence institutions. Critically it is some of the people you have elected to office. Over the last 60 years the state and nation has witnessed the succumbing slowly but surely, step by step to the degeneration of these elites by accepting the latest new fads,  as in the case of CRT, Global Warming and COVID. We have reached a bottom from which we need to decide to change or lose generations to come.

Sunday, July 30, 2023 11:05 AM

Mindy Pechenuk Backs Oakland NAACP's Plea for State of Emergency Amid Escalating Crime Crisis

As the author of the Alameda County Republican Party resolution calling for the Recall of DA Pamela Price that passed on May 17, 2023,  Mindy Pechenuk, candidate for California District 18 Assembly, FULLY ENDORSES and  supports the NAACP Call for Declaration of A State of Emergency to deal with the problems and the solutions which are urgently needed in Oakland.

Tuesday, July 25, 2023 7:47 PM

The Solutions to stop the murder of Califonians and Americans

Close to a quarter-million Americans have died from drug overdoses in the last two years. These are children, mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles and grandparents who could have raised families and contributed to the good of our nation and humanity. Millions of children are trafficked into slavery and sex. The drug cartels and the child human trafficking are one in the same criminal network. We are in a just war against this evil, and we will fight on principle and win! 

Thursday, June 1, 2023 12:56 PM

It's Time to Hold Fentanyl Dealers AND Our Representatives Accountable

Call to Action by Mindy Pechenuk, Republican Candidate for State Assembly, District 18  It's Time to Hold Fentanyl Dealers AND Our Representatives Accountable!


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